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Store More
For this project I was to come up with a solution to a problem within 10 miles of Swansea. This is where I had the idea of Store More. Store More is a brand I have created that is linked to a campaign in connection with Swansea council tourism campaign to get more people visiting the area. The campaign consisted of using a spaces in Swansea where you are able to leave your luggage for a long amount of time so that you are able to enjoy the city and the sea even more without the fear of unsafe left luggage. As well as a place to keep your luggage it will be a photo opportunity that allows the public to snap a photo of the chosen local activity that is going to be promoted that month. after they use the lockers they are able to get a refund or give their money to pay for a souvenir badge. To get people talking about this new way of visiting Swansea, leaflets would be handed out with local attractions as well as a map for people to use. These would be placed in hotels as well as handouts as this is where tourist would find out about this idea the most. The campaign also includes 6 sheet posters for bus stops and train stations along with floor stickers leading to the lockers as well as a bus wrap advert.
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